Friday, May 13, 2016

Product Review of Grow N' Eat Naturally: "Back to the Roots (R)" Water Garden Kit

This was my first time making wheat grass juice!  In fact, I am still a beginner at gardening overall. After purchasing "Back To The Roots (R)" Water Garden Kit, however, I was able to grow both radish sprouts and wheat grass using the simple yet scientific method of harvesting through the means of a fish tank. Little Blue Fitz (named ever so in artistic wisdom by my gorgeous two-year old) the Betta Fish, helps the plants above it to harvest by providing a continuous flow of water. The radish sprouts grew on schedule and within two weeks were utilized as part of a delicious veggie-burger meal. Rich and natural in flavor, the radish sprouts were a hit with the family. The only complaint I have is that only one harvest can be drawn at a time.

The wheat grass finally hit harvesting time and I subsequently spent about ten minutes gathering the necessities for making a juice: my blender, three cups of fresh water, a lemon, and the wheat grass (thoroughly chopped). It came out to a gorgeous emerald color and smelled just as beautiful as it looked. 
Following my wonderful experience growing wheat grass from a fish tank and crafting it into a health potion, I was able to enjoy the next three weeks of "wheat grass shots" which are said to contain all the minerals known and according to Hippocrates Health Institute, "is nature's finest medicine" going on to explain that, in addition to its ability to neutralize toxins in the body, also contains "twice the amount of Vitamin A in Carrots... is higher in Vitamin C than oranges... and contains the full spectrum of Bi vitamins." Not to mention it is a complete source or protein.
With just a sprinkle of 5 seeds and 3 weeks of harvesting, I was able to obtain 3 weeks worth of 'shots' which I took daily. I immediately starting feeling the beneficial effects of the wheat grass and have never regretted my decision in purchasing the Water Garden Kit. Although it would be possible to grow the wheat grass without a fish tank, who doesn't want a three-in-one product? Especially when it entertains the kids! 
Props to the makers of “Water Garden Kit” and their “Grow In A Box” methods. Check out their products and give them a try yourself at: Back To The Roots

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