Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Reaction 3: An American Response

Once again I will be delivering a poem in the form of a reply to Walt Whitman's "America", which I found quite wonderful and simple at the same time. Over the last few weeks in my America Poetry class I have been reading tons of samples from various authors, though none so far have come to touch me positively as Walt Whitman has. In "America" he speaks of his desire for how he thinks this beautiful country should be, relating to ideas including equality, fairness, endurance, rich, and strong to a list of desires for the peoples. So, as in good gesture, I would like to reply to him as a 21st century American who has seen and experienced much of the world, by introducing him to the "new" but not necessarily envisioned America he was hoping for. Enjoy!

Land of the Brave, Not of the Free:

Dear vizier of grand dreams and freedom rings,
What pity sight had laid to ease
O' this country of ours we dare call home,
For not land of free tis not but a loan.

O' grand magister of wit and wail,
Forgive me ser for there's naught avail.

The Land of the Brave, Not of the Free
Callings of desire enduring in steed.
Hark through the ages Freedom is swayed,
For politics bleeds us dry without dismay.

O' grand magister of Time beloved,
Free not my soul from this horrid bind'd

Thy supple hands of talent and woe,
Couldst last not one night in this horrible low.
Tho' beseech you I may for all is not lost,
Freedom still rings while Others are tossed.

O' grand magister of Time be
Enlight me your wisdom to set me Free. 

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