Friday, November 4, 2016

Creative Assignment I

Chapter I: The Wooden Man
 “With that wretched Chromatic Queen gone we can finally achieve our goal of world domination,” the Wooden Man declared. “And once we have taken out the Metallic King… more than just the world will be ours… The entirety of all inhabitants upon this planet shall be under our control.”
A soft breeze wisped past the Wooden Man, his brown hooded tunic flapping in the wind to the rhythm of the air, helping to give his yellow fangs an even more monstrous appearance. To his side stood a woman at shoulder level. Her fiery hair matching the pace in the wind of his own jet black hair, though her face was less cynical than his and more angelic.
“Yes, your Lordship…” She said in obedience, nuzzling her pink cheek against his swollen muscular arms. “All shall be yours.”
The air was damp. The sky above fell into darkness as the golden orb retreated and it seemed as though Father Time Himself was fearful of the days ahead. Echoes of laughter could be heard down the steppes on the surface below them. Mortal men and women cheering away at the celebration both of kindness and guilt as they drank their worries away.
“The fools.” The Wooden Man said.
“My love?” The Fiery Hair woman asked out of curiosity. Her jade eyes meeting his. Though without turning to look into her eyes, the Wooden Man stared down at the mortals.
“They celebrate their achievement of grandiose imagination… Illusions! Trickery! That’s all these mortals dabble in… Barely holding together. Each year more chaotic than the last. Yet they think they are superior. These homo sapiens will find themselves inferior by the eve of ‘morrow’s end…”    
Down the hills the sound of the Wooden Man’s haunting cackle of laughter could be heard. But not a single soul below heard it, for in their partying and celebration of life they knew nothing of the death that was to become them the next night. 

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