Friday, November 4, 2016

Creative Assignment Part II

Chapter II: Lady Ice
“Death may take us, but life will break us…” The Lady Ice announced, her bright blue lips exhaling a subtle mist of air at each word she spoke.
The thousands of soldiers dressed in metallic armor made of ice stood at attention as she spoke. Their eyes only on the mistress before them that would command and ultimately demand their lives. Crackling sounds emanated from the frozen walls all around the inside of the cavern as they spoke.
“Aye ma’am!” They called in unison, snapping their feet together at parade rest. “Long live the Lady Ice! Long live the Icy Wonder of the World! Long live the forever Hel of frozen solitude!”
            The Lady Ice grinned wide. Her majestic form swaying back and forth in a melodic trance. She was covered in a long winter robe made of materials never seen by mortal eyes. In her hand was a large staff with a single blue gem atop it, held fast by a dragon’s claw.
            “Now go. Go my army of Frozen Tundra. Destroy what remains of the humans, for now in their final hours they will succumb to eternal winter!” The Lady Ice demanded, her cackle echoing through every soldier’s ears.
            As if in a robotic trance, the army performed an about face and marched out of the tunnel. The Lady Ice floated into the air, crossing her arms and the staff about her bosom and chanting in a foreign tongue.

“N’yet da’it inguit. N’yet da’it inguit. N’yet dait inguit!” She spoke with ease.
            A large orb of ice began to form around her, covering her body in a three-hundred and sixty-degree vortex of power. The crackling force burned into the frozen walls around her. Her voice and mood changed as quick as she had cast the spell. Dark violet eyes now took over what baby blues she once had.
            “Destroy them all!” She said with malice.

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